Five Tips For Healthier Eating At Fast Food Restaurants

If you're trying to stick to a healthy diet or keep your weight in check, then you might assume fast food restaurants are off-limits. But while it's probably not wise to rely on fast food for every meal, these restaurants are not always as bad as you think for dieters. There are plenty of ways to come by a healthier, lower-calorie meal at a fast food restaurant. Here are a few tips to ensure your next trip to your favorite burger joint or chicken shack does not balloon your waistline.

Tip #1: Stay away from the coating.

Plain chicken is actually a great source of protein and will keep you feeling full without excessive calories. The problem with some fast food chicken meals, however, is the coating. Fried coating is high in fat and calories, negating the positive benefits of the chicken. If the restaurant has a grilled chicken option, order than instead of a fried or coated chicken sandwich or tenders. If they only have coated chicken, then peel the coating off and throw it away; eat only the lean chicken. If you find that your chicken needs more flavor after you peel the coating off, mustard is a great low-calorie dipping sauce with only 3 calories per packet.

Tip #2: Order small, a la carte items.

If you order a whole "meal" that comes with a sandwich, fries, and a drink, then there's a good chance you'll end up eating that entire meal -- even if your initial intention is to leave some behind. The typical large fast food meal contains far more calories than you really need. You can enjoy the same foods with less guilt if you order items individually in small sizes.

Tip #3: Stick to water as a beverage.

If you order regular soda, it could easily end up being the most calorific part of your meal. Twelve ounces of the average cola contains 131 calories, and many fast food drink cups are 32 or even 64 ounces! While you might assume diet soda would be a good choice, the artificial sweeteners in these beverages can actually make you crave sugar and eat more sugar later in the day. You really are best off sticking to plain water. Ask for a lemon wedge to add a little flavor to your water if you desire.

Tip #4: Ask for toppings on the side.

What starts off as a relatively healthy chicken sandwich can quickly become unhealthy when topped with globs of mayonnaise or ranch dressing. Similarly,  a salad can become quite calorie-dense when topped with bacon, cheese, and croutons. To ensure you don't accidentally consume more calories than you need, ask for all toppings and dressings on the side. Then, you can add lower-calorie toppings as you desire. Low-fat dressings, mustard, and yogurt are all good substitutes for fattier toppings.

Tip #5: Start with a salad or fruit.

If you fear that a small burger of chicken sandwich won't fill you up, then start your meal with a salad or fruit. Eat the salad or fruit first so that when you do indulge in your main entree, it leaves you feeling more satisfied. You'll be less likely to order a second burger or fries when you're done with the first one. If you feel full before you're finished with your meal, do not be afraid to wrap it up for later or leave it behind. Over-eating is the most common way to exceed your calorie needs, whether you're eating healthy or not-so-healthy foods.

Fast food does not have to be terrible for your diet. Follow the guidelines above, and you can occasionally dine at your favorite fast food restaurants without blowing your weight loss goals. For more information, contact companies like Nancy's Hand Crafted Burger's.
